5297 S 800 W, Murray, UT 84123


Reserve the Clubhouse

The clubhouse is availble to rent for personal gatherings by residents. The clubhouse includes a kitchen, dining area, seating space, basement and a bathroom. Please note that rental of the clubhouse does not include the pool, spa area, or weight room.


Reservation Regulations

Reservation Regulations

A resident must be in good standing with their monthly HOA dues to rent the clubhouse (not to include the pool or spa areas) for personal use. There is a required security deposit  to cover any cleaning costs or damage incurred during the reservation. If damages do occur the resident may be personally liable for those damages. Residents must be in attendance for the entire duration of the reservation and are responsible for the conduct of all guests. All functions must end by midnight and the clubhouse must be properly secured.

Rental Fees

Security deposit-$200.00

Rental fee for wedding, receptions, or business-$100.00

Rental fee for other occasions-$50.00

For the complete list of rules and regulations regarding reserving the clubhouse see Applegate’s Rules and Regulations under documents.

Make Reservation